250 Strong Health Research Topics for Students

Home » 250 Strong Health Research Topics for Students

What are the best health research topics? If you are searching for an answer to this question, then probably you might be stuck with your health assignment because of the difficulties in finding a great research topic. In general, health is one of the vast disciplines with plenty of research topics to focus on. But when you have numerous topics and ideas, it would be really tough to identify a specific topic from them. So, to help you with the research paper topic selection, here, we have shared a few tips on how to select a good health research paper topic. Also, we have suggested a list of the best health research topics and ideas that will help you earn an A+ grade.

Health Research Topics

What is a Health Research?

Health research is a kind of medical or clinical research that is performed to learn more about human health. The ultimate aim of health research is to find better ways to improve medical care and to prevent and treat the disease. Most importantly, without health research, no new medical treatments and cures would happen.

Often, health research is conducted to gain more knowledge about illness and the working of the human body and health by covering various health research questions. In order to answer the research questions properly according to the best methods or to deal with the health research topics, you should have a detailed research plan and protocol.

Medicine is a wide area of study with endless health research topics to choose from. If you are a medical volunteer or a medical student asked to complete a research paper, then you can choose any health research topic for your academic writing.

Health Research Paper Topic Selection Tips

The first step in the research paper writing process is to identify a good research topic. As health is a broad and complex area to explore, choosing a health research paper topic from them will seem to be challenging because of the effort and time it consumes to generate the research paper topics or ideas.

For gaining more health research topic ideas, you can explore medicine journals, reputed health-related websites, scholarly books in medicine, and credible health-based blogs. But out of them all, to write a brilliant health research paper, one unique and engaging health research topic is what you need the most

So, how to identify a good health research topic? Cool! Here are a few important tips for you to choose an excellent topic.

During the topic selection process, always remember that the health research topic you choose should

  • Match your interest and should be comfortable for you to present the research paper.
  • Meet the expectation of your readers and educate them.
  • Allow you to perform deep research and obtain extensive information.
  • Be related to recent trends, issues, and developments in the healthcare and medicine industry instead of older or frequently discussed topics.
  • Be original, informative, and beneficial for recent medical studies.
  • Have sufficient research scope to prove your expertise in medical science.
  • Be narrow with major points to be discussed within the deadline.
  • Contain reliable sources, facts, practical medical examples, and statistics to explain your topic and set credibility.

If the health research topic you have selected satisfies all the above-mentioned tips and stands in line with your instructor’s guidelines, then without any second thought, finalize your topic and start writing the research paper by structuring the content with essential elements like the introduction, body, and conclusion.

List of Health Research Topics and Ideas

List of Health Research Topics

As said earlier, health is a popular research area with limitless topics to explore. When it comes to writing a health research paper, you can look upon the topics from public health, mental health, child health, or any other categories.

Especially, to help you in making your research paper topic selection process easier, here, we have grouped several categories and have compiled a list of strong health research topics. Check the entire list and pick an ideal health research topic that you feel is perfect for you.

Simple Health Research Paper Topics

  1. Should we replace doctors with computers?
  2. Should the government pass legislation to allow genetic engineering?
  3. The logic behind spiritual care.
  4. Compare the impact of COVID-19 on children and adults.
  5. Exploring the Farm Bill Amendments of 2018- Cannabis legalization in the US.
  6. Are Inmate rehabilitation programs in the US effective?
  7. Medical research and its relevance in motivating healthcare professionals.
  8. Compare the mortality rates of medical professionals in the US and China
  9. The threat of medical research on people.
  10. The effect of Covid-19 on homelessness in the US.
  11. Medical research: Are we doing enough to motivate medical professionals?
  12. The impact of COVID-19 on the homeless in the US.
  13. Comparing the impact of COVID-19 on children and adults in the US.
  14. Comparing mortality rates of medical professionals in the US and China: What should have been done differently?
  15. Importance of therapists in treating mental disorders.
  16. Mental disorders and mood disorders- A comparative analysis.
  17. Public and private healthcare facilities in the UK- A comparative analysis.
  18. Key causes of post-traumatic disorder in the US.
  19. If given the best care service, how long a person might survive?

Basic Health Research Topics

  1. Stress management for nursing professionals.
  2. Financial instability and the depression it causes.
  3. Education programs are used for treating autistic people.
  4. Is it impossible to solve the depression in society?
  5. Analyze the main types of depression.
  6. Childhood obesity and parental negligence: Are they related?
  7. How can Autism in the early stages be diagnosed and treated?
  8. Does violent music have any implications for young children?
  9. Analyze how social media has transformed psychological education in college.
  10. The role of a teacher in students’ depression management.
  11. What are the causes of the growing surge in diabetes in the UK?
  12. What is the health risk of terminating a pregnancy?
  13. Anorexia Nervosa: What is the effectiveness of the main treatment options?
  14. Comparing maternal practices and effectiveness in urban and rural areas.
  15. Effects of bullying on the children’s achievements- Early childhood development.
  16. Relevance of physical exercise in managing body posture.
  17. Exploring the Farm Bill Amendments of 2018- Cannabis legalization in the US.
  18. Mortality rates of a medical professional in China and US- A comparative analysis.
  19. How parent’s negligence relates to childhood obesity?

Interesting Health Research Topics

  1. Ancient health practices are still important today.
  2. When is bodybuilding considered healthy?
  3. Discuss the history of health.
  4. How do the beauty standards in society impact people’s health?
  5. Compare the healthy lifestyles of the 20th century and the 21st century.
  6. Do the media in the 21st century encourage child abuse?
  7. The difference between mental disorders and mood disorders.
  8. How do speech disorders affect the development of a child?
  9. Can bullying in school impact a student’s achievements, especially in the early years of development?
  10. What is driving the fear in people about COVID-19 vaccination?
  11. Evidence-based public health informatics: Exploring the pros and cons.
  12. Using animal tissues on human beings: Is it a good idea?
  13. What is the future of public health informatics?
  14. Antibiotics resistance in small kids: What are the main causes?

Health Research Topics

Great Health Research Paper Topics

  1. The impact of sleep deprivation on memory.
  2. The most dangerous diseases in the 21st century.
  3. Is plastic surgery a healthy beauty treatment option?
  4. How does medical cannabis manage various conditions?
  5. The programs used to manage stress in cancer patients.
  6. The role of therapists in the treatment of mental disorders.
  7. Alternative medications and their purpose.
  8. The main causes of cancer in the US.
  9. Cannabis legalization in the US- Pros and cons.
  10. How long can a human being live when provided with the best care?
  11. Using physical exercises in maintaining the right body posture.
  12. The main causes of post-traumatic stress disorder among adults in the US.
  13. The relevance of physical exercises in managing body posture.
  14. The main cause of seizures in young adolescents.
  15. Compare the public and private health facilities in the UK.

Read more: Good Health Essay Topics and Ideas To Focus On

Women’s Health Research Topics

  1. Compare normal delivery to CS delivery.
  2. Discuss the pros and cons of Episiotomy.
  3. Ethical Issues of Surrogate Pregnancy.
  4. The implications of new technology on teens’ health.
  5. The main causes of infertility in women.
  6. Is endometriosis related to genetics?
  7. What are the main causes of gestational weight gain?
  8. The impact of using high-heel shoes on women’s health.
  9. Analyze the role of women in promoting better family health.
  10. The main rules for pregnant women with obesity.
  11. Bonding with a baby before birth.
  12. Compare home birth with hospital birth.
  13. The implications of new technology on teens’ health.
  14. Advanced technologies are used to address the problem of infertility.
  15. The causes of miscarriage in pregnant women during the first trimester.
  16. The impact of poverty on children and women.
  17. The challenges faced by women after menopause.
  18. What are the main issues associated with puberty?
  19. What are the main symptoms of a heart attack in women?
  20. Compare teen pregnancy rates in New York to California.

Mental Health Research Topics

  1. Analyze the main causes of ADHD in adults.
  2. What is the best strategy to treat agoraphobia?
  3. Discuss the symptoms of ADHD in a child.
  4. Why psychology in the military is so important?
  5. Comparing teenage suicide rates of the 20th and 21st centuries.
  6. The best strategies for handling pressure by team members in sports.
  7. Analyze the best treatment options for people with dementia.
  8. What are the implications of hate crimes on the community?
  9. The strategies used to reduce the problem of postpartum depression.
  10. How do dreams impact people’s decisions?
  11. The importance of psychological relaxation to a person’s health.
  12. How do dreams impact people’s decisions?
  13. The main causes and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
  14. Analyze the causes and solutions of Teenage suicide.
  15. Modern feminism and women’s health.

A Few More Research Ideas on Mental Health

  1. The main stages of coping with grief.
  2. The impact of phobias on people’s personalities.
  3. The main causes of multiple personality disorders.
  4. What is applied behavioral analysis?
  5. Women empowerment as a method of reducing teenage pregnancies.
  6. The implications of terrorism on child’s psychology.
  7. Dreaming is a healthy exercise for your body: Discuss.
  8. How are physical illness and depression connected?
  9. Demonstrate how tolerance in the family and community can help to improve mental health.
  10. How do dreams impact people’s decisions?
  11. Law and psychology: Are they related?
  12. Is it possible to control panic pain using psychology?
  13. Are the offender treatment programs effective?
  14. Dreams and soul: How are they connected?
  15. Discuss the main challenges faced by new team leaders in organizations.

Research Paper Topics on Fitness

  1. Demonstrate why it is so important to drink water.
  2. The impact of Yoga on Physical fitness.
  3. Explore the main principles of fitness training.
  4. Why proper ergonomics is so crucial in preventing muscle strain?
  5. Coaches in sports play physical and psychological roles: Discuss.
  6. The role of fitness in maintaining a healthy weight.
  7. Advantages of good behaviors in sports and competition.
  8. Movement patterns related to higher risks of injury.
  9. Why is it so important to track personal fitness levels?
  10. Is Tai Chi a good method of reducing stress and depression?

Public Health Research Ideas

  1. What are the main causes of the National drug problem?
  2. Public health risks are associated with a lack of clean water and sanitation in developing countries.
  3. Using student nurses to help control health pandemics: Is it a good idea?
  4. Using social media to enhance public health.
  5. Fast-food chains and obesity: Should the State regulate the foods sold in these enterprises?
  6. What are the main causes of Diabetes in children?
  7. HIV/AIDs prevention is the best strategy of pandemic control- Review.
  8. Should teenagers be allowed to access birth control pills on demand?
  9. Comparing measles resurgence in developing countries in the 20th century.
  10. At what age should sex education be started in a student’s life?
  11. A comparative analysis of the healthcare cost of South Africa and the United States.
  12. Smoking teenagers and its impact on their adulthood life.
  13. Bioterrorism- US’s readiness before and after the 9/11 attack.
  14. Oil spills in the sea: Analyzing the possible health implications on public health.
  15. The importance of translators in UK hospitals for non-English speakers.

Good Research Paper Topics on Health

  1. How do regular exercises impact the nervous system?
  2. Analyze how human muscles adapt to different stress levels.
  3. Physical activities and aggressive behavior in teenagers: Are they related?
  4. Can fitness training be used to control diabetes and obesity?
  5. The effectiveness of outdoor physical activities in preventing heart diseases.
  6. The health benefits of taking whole-grain diets for preventing heart-related problems.
  7. How does physical fitness impact the cognitive development of a child?
  8. How does physical fitness impact the performance of an athlete?
  9. Alcohol consumption and its impacts on bone development.
  10. How does multi-stage fitness test work?
  11. At what point should one consider seeking the help of a sports trainer?
  12. Common diet mistakes that one should avoid for mental and physical health.
  13. Discuss the main activities that take place before and after a rigorous training session.
  14. The best strategies for optimizing cardiovascular fitness.
  15. How are diet and physical fitness related?

Health Research Project Ideas

  1. What is the health risk of terminating a pregnancy?
  2. Self-instruction kits: Are they Effective?
  3. Comparing maternal practices and effectiveness in urban and rural areas.
  4. The use of pet therapy in kids with autism: Is it effective?
  5. What are the best strategies to solve genetic diseases?
  6. Compare the pros and cons of telemedicine.
  7. Can a kid’s habits be used as a signal for autism?
  8. The main benefits of virtual reality application in medicine.
  9. What is the future of public health informatics?
  10. The main health challenges faced by teenagers today.
  11. Human rights issues and their impact on public health.
  12. Common mental disorders in the US.
  13. Opioid Crisis: Are the doctors to blame?
  14. Using GMO to fight hunger: Is it a good idea?
  15. The psychological issues of breast cancer.
  16. Health insurance: Should it be used to cover infertility technologies?
  17. A closer look at contemporary neonatal practices.
  18. Analyzing the main treatment options for Anorexia Nervosa.
  19. Ethics and legal aspects in pediatric
  20. What are the main causes of antibiotic resistance in small kids?

Unique Health Research Paper Topics

  1. History of surgery and its role in gathering knowledge about human health
  2. Organ harvesting and transplantation.
  3. Palliative care: the decent rest of life
  4. Why Homeopathy and Homeopathic medicine are suspended in some countries?
  5. Experimental treatment: when and why do people agree to undergo it?
  6. The rise of epidemiology and the prevention of spreading diseases.
  7. Bodybuilding: when it is healthy?
  8. The beauty standards and their impact on overall health throughout the history of humanity
  9. Are all the pills we usually take really needed?
  10. Can a ban on tobacco and alcohol improve the overall health condition?
  11. Womb transplantation: Is it a good alternative for replacing surrogacy?
  12. Should all TV shows promoting drinking and smoking be banned?
  13. Forest communities in the Amazon: Should the government be concerned about their health?
  14. Should we limit the treatment of people with medical issues to facilities in their communities?
  15. Should all doctors be mandated to report cases of organ trafficking?
  16. Space medicine: Is it a worthy undertaking?
  17. Should the government provide healthcare for people who are uninsured?
  18. Explore the pros and cons of using animals for research.
  19. Health care for the homeless: Should the government provide free services for them?
  20. The implications of TV shows on people’s diets.

Top-quality Health Research Topics

  1. What is the impact of taking a dose and not completing it?
  2. How can health systems be prepared for extreme weather events?
  3. The role of the government in ensuring a sustainable healthcare program.
  4. The considerations for an effective universal healthcare program.
  5. The effectiveness of counseling and psychology before surgery.
  6. The impact of organic foods on the health of a person.
  7. Discuss drug abuse in the line of health impacts.
  8. How does age affect mental health and physical development?
  9. The impact of modern lifestyles on people’s health.
  10. The effects of cosmetic agents on skin health

Excellent Health Research Questions

  1. How diabetes affects oral health
  2. What are the effects of excess salt on people’s health?
  3. The health hazard of using caffeine.
  4. Discuss the new strategies to promote workplace health.
  5. Reproductive health and its cultural context.
  6. The influence of dietary supplements on a person’s health.
  7. What are the dangers of low fruit and vegetable intake?
  8. Is increased life expectancy a burden on the healthcare system?
  9. Vaccines and immunization
  10. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
  11. How smoking affects oral health
  12. Conduct a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of syringes versus tablets
  13. The impact of global warming on the behavior of disease-causing micro-organisms
  14. Discuss why brain surgeries are always a matter between life and death.
  15. Evaluate the various causes and treatments of virus infections.

Informative Health Research Topics

  1. What distinguishes mood problems from mental diseases?
  2. Why are individuals afraid of getting vaccinated against COVID-19?
  3. A deeper look at the most severe illnesses of the twenty-first
  4. weighing the advantages and disadvantages of cannabis legalization in the US.
  5. What are the primary causes of post-traumatic stress disorder among adults in the US?
  6. Is cosmetic plastic surgery healthy? Should it be promoted?
  7. What function do therapists provide in the management of mental illness?
  8. A closer look at the effects of sleep deprivation on memory.
  9. What is the success rate of cancer patients’ stress management programs?
  10. Medical professional death rates in the US and China: What could have been done differently?
  11. Discuss attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and alcohol and other substance use disorders in young adulthood
  12. Importance of behavior change interventions to increase physical activity in hospitalized patients
  13. Does the use of face masks during COVID-19 elicit risk compensation? if yes, how?
  14. Social media influencers can be used to deliver positive information about the flu vaccine: explain
  15. Rise and demise: a study of public health nutrition in Queensland (from 1998-2022)
  16. Assess the quantifying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic through life-expectancy losses
  17. Rate of reinfections after SARS-CoV-2 primary infection in the population of a rural Italian province
  18. Analyze people’s reactions to sales restrictions on flavored vape products among young adults in the USA

Read more topic: Great Nursing Research Topics for Impressive Content

Outstanding Health Research Topics

  1. How to care for a diabetic patient at home
  2. Why research is necessary for the development of drugs?
  3. How to prevent eye strain when using a computer for long hours.
  4. Explain the role of stigmatization in derailing one’s mental capability
  5. Discuss the health benefits of circumcision at a young age
  6. Why should people go for regular check-ups whether or not they are sick?
  7. Explain the impact of advertisements on medical products.
  8. Why loneliness can lead to depression?
  9. Explain the impact of strenuous labor on the health of women
  10. Discuss the effects of taking over-the-counter prescribed drugs.


From the list of amazing health research ideas suggested in this blog post, choose any topic of your choice and craft a brilliant academic paper. In case, you haven’t identified a perfect health thesis topic, or you are not sure how to write an engaging and informative health research paper, reach out to us .

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