230 Best Biology Research Topics and Ideas for Students

Home » 230 Best Biology Research Topics and Ideas for Students

Would you have to write a biology research paper? Are you searching for the best biology research topics and ideas for your assignment? If yes, then this blog post is for you. Especially, to help you in identifying the best topic for your biology research paper, here, in this blog post, we have shared some important topic selection tips. In addition to that, we have also uploaded a list of 100+ interesting biology research topic ideas. Explore the full list and pick any topic that is convenient for you to research and write about.

What is Biology?

Biology is one of the vast disciplines of science that deals with living organisms and their evolution, functions, growth, and structure. Apart from the study of living things, the subject also specifically focuses on the concepts of ecosystems, environment, food quality, development in the health sector, diseases, and other specializations that revolve around the human body.

Biology Research Topics

Biology Research Paper Topic Selection Tips

In the biology research paper writing process, topic selection is the first step that can’t be skipped. Since biology is a vast subject with plenty of topics and subtopics, it is extremely challenging to choose one great topic to compose a research paper. Therefore, in this section, we have shared some effective tips to make your topic selection phase easier.

Whenever you are asked to write a biology research paper on any topic, then before you choose the right topic for research, be sure to keep the following tips in mind.

  1. Give preference only to the topic that is interesting to you and your audience.
  2. Choose a topic that has a wide scope for research and discussion.
  3. Select a topic that allows you to complete the discussion on time.
  4. Avoid choosing too broad and too narrow a topic.
  5. Pick a topic with numerous credible sources for gathering information.
  6. Finalize the topic only if it matches your professor’s instructions or the university’s guidelines.

List of Biology Research Paper Topics

The following are some informative biology research topics and ideas that you can consider for academic writing.

Biology Research Topics

Research Topics on the History of Biology

  1. Darwin’s theory and its significance to biology
  2. Impact of Archeology on Animal Biology
  3. Discover and explore evolution factors
  4. Discovery and Impact of Natural Selection Theory
  5. Edward Jenner and the history of vaccination
  6. How are history and biology combined according to Stephen Joy Gould’s Paleontology?
  7. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek: The Famous Biologist
  8. Rachel Carson’s Stand on environmental safety
  9. Dead branches of evolution
  10. Effects of Whale Hunting
  11. Discovery of the fundamental laws of inheritance by Gregor Mendel
  12. Understanding chimpanzees
  13. Plastic-eating bacteria
  14. Dolly the Sheep
  15. CAR T-Cell Immunotherapy: A ray of hope for cancer patients
  16. Depiction of the human anatomy
  17. Identification of Cells by Robert Hookie
  18. Single-celled eukaryotic organisms and many species of bacteria
  19. The scientific name of Human Beings
  20. Implementation of technology in biology

Biology Research Topics on Genetics and Abortion

  1. The history of genetics
  2. Genetic disorders and related treatment
  3. Modern technology of DNA analysis
  4. The phenomenon of DNA-modified organisms
  5. Explain DNA’s structure
  6. The ethical aspects of experiments with stem cells
  7. The Role of genetic in sex orientation preference
  8. Depression and genes
  9. How is abortion related to the feminist ideology?
  10. Abortion law and society’s perspective in the USA
  11. The biological insights of abortion
  12. Is genetically modified food safe?
  13. Genetic Mutation factors
  14. How does public opinion hold back scientific progress?
  15. Is homosexuality based on genetics?
  16. Factors responsible for influencing gender identity
  17. Impact of abortion on hormones
  18. Behavioral genetics: Twin and family studies.
  19. Cytogenetic: Karyotyping.
  20. Epigenetics: Molecular basis.
  21. Molecular genetics: Molecular basis for inheritance

Biology research topics

Molecular Biology Research Paper Topics

  1. The molecular evidence of human origin
  2. Molecular biology in cancer treatment
  3. The role of stem cell treatment in medicine
  4. The role of genetically modified crops in the economy
  5. Dangerous experiments on human DNA
  6. The use of genetics on lifetime prolongation
  7. The personal genome in modern medicine
  8. Effective ways to conduct molecular biology research
  9. The behavioral epigenetics phenomenon
  10. Molecular and genome evolution
  11. Difference between pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics
  12. Discuss the effect of antibiotics on cells.
  13. Challenges caused by diseases to molecular biology
  14. Explain the biological reasons behind food intolerances.
  15. What is the role of molecular chaperones in polypeptide folding?
  16. Write about the production of growth hormones and insulin in genetic engineering.
  17. What is cell biology, development, and cancer?
  18. Describe genetics and genomics
  19. Neuroscience and their role in the development of cells

Neurobiology Research Topics

  1. Neuroscience and robotic technologies
  2. The impact of music on the human brain
  3. Brain and Memory
  4. Visual cortex and models of orientation
  5. What is visual-motor coordination based on?
  6. Brain injuries and related disorders
  7. The genetic defect that contributes to Schizophrenia
  8. The role of Genes and proteins in neuron functioning
  9. Cognitive Neuroscience on problem-solving
  10. The connection between gut bacteria and anxiety
  11. Causes of migraine
  12. Brain capabilities of self-repairing
  13. The innovations in neurobiology
  14. Effective ways to improve human memory
  15. Write about the changes in Bacterial Ecology
  16. How sleep is described in Neurobiology?
  17. Stem-cell therapy and its impact on patients
  18. Discuss the negative consequences associated with neurosurgery.
  19. Write about Depression and Oxidative Stress
  20. Discuss the degenerative brain disorder including its causes and impact on the brain.
  21. How does music in the brain impact mental and intellectual activity?
  22. Discuss optogenetic excitation

Read more: Best Medical Research Topics To Analyze and Write About

Ecology Research Ideas

  1. The relationship between living forms and their environment
  2. Ecological and evolutionary factors influencing animal behavior
  3. Developmental mechanism of resistance in animals
  4. The effect of human behavior on animal forms in the USA
  5. Environmental change and its involvement in the diversity of species
  6. How do animals and plants respond to the changing environment?
  7. Is global warming a threat?
  8. Environmental Psychology
  9. The problem of extinction
  10. Rare species protection
  11. Means of wildlife protection
  12. Fast food industry and tropic forests extinction
  13. Climate change and biodiversity
  14. Oil spill effects on ocean wildlife
  15. Is the extinction of bees real?
  16. What is sustainability in biology?
  17. The problem of extinction
  18. Renewable energy and environmental pollution
  19. Impact of rain forests extinction
  20. Factors and benefits of organic farming
  21. What causes toxic algae to bloom?
  22. Explore the ecological footprint of cotton production.
  23. Why biodiversity should be conserved?

Read more: Key concepts on ecology research topics that will ensure Your shining

Biology Research Topics on Bioremediation

  1. The bioremediation education science
  2. The phenomenon of bioremediation
  3. Groundwater remediation
  4. Bioremediation of hazardous waste
  5. The bioremediation method’s explanation
  6. The innovations in bioremediation
  7. The improvement of ecology with bioremediation
  8. Oil spill bioremediation protocol
  9. The mechanisms and tools of groundwater bioremediation
  10. Oil spill bioremediation: ways and tools

Animal Biology Research Topics

  1. Animal growth and the factors to consider
  2. Animal science and food sustainability
  3. Projects on wild animals
  4. The camouflage mechanism in sea animals
  5. How does veganism actually influence meat production?
  6. The fashion industry and its role in animal abuse
  7. Is it ethical to test beauty products on animals?
  8. Home pets and obesity
  9. Modern home pets and traditional dog diet
  10. Male pregnancy among animals

Biology Research Topics on Plant Pathology

  1. The prevention measures in plant pathology
  2. Natural disease resistance in plants
  3. Plant evolutionary genetics
  4. Fertilizers’ influence on plants
  5. Weedy and invasive plants
  6. Aspects and functions of photosynthesis
  7. Plant diseases management facilitated by modern technology
  8. Natural disease resistance in plants
  9. Research on plant-associated microbes and current genomic tools
  10. Literature review on microbial ecology and evolution

Biology Research Topics on Human Cloning

  1. Human cloning and transplantation possibilities
  2. Cloning: The moral aspect
  3. Project on different types of cloning
  4. History and development of human cloning science
  5. How can cloning change medicine?
  6. Should human cloning be made legal?
  7. Cloning and ethical issues around it
  8. Explain the significance of therapeutic cloning
  9. Basic principles of cloning in humans
  10. How effective is DNA-based cloning in the medical field?

Research Topics on Behavior and Hormones

  1. How to improve metabolism?
  2. The role of various hormones in our body
  3. The hormone disorder and constant depression
  4. The deficit of what hormone can destroy a life
  5. The biological basis of hormonal disorder
  6. The oxytocin science phenomenon
  7. Psychopathic disorders and hormones
  8. Hormonal therapy’s top methods
  9. Mental disorders: gender specification
  10. The Bipolar disorder: reasons and treatment
  11. Hormonal changes during pregnancy
  12. Endocrine-related diseases
  13. Steroid Hormones’ path to cells
  14. How do hormones influence women’s mental health?
  15. Cardio exercise influences hormones

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Research Topics on Immune System

  1. Immunity and stress
  2. Human immune system and its resistance capabilities
  3. Diseases caused by improper functioning of the immune system
  4. Tolerance and autoimmunity
  5. The influence of immunotherapy on the human body
  6. How do immune system agents function?
  7. Asthma and allergic reactions
  8. Immunology and transplantation
  9. Society’s perspective on vaccination
  10. Graft rejection prevention

Antibiotic Resistance Research Topics

  1. Cell structure and antibiotic resistance
  2. The effect of antibiotics on the human body
  3. The reason for antibiotic resistance
  4. The illness is caused by antibiotic resistance
  5. Effective ways to improve antibiotics effects
  6. The role of volatile antibiotics
  7. Ways to prevent antibiotic resistance
  8. The pathogenesis of antibiotic resistance agent
  9. Antibiotic resistance and medicine
  10. The development of antibiotic resistance
  1. Can Ebola be used as a biological weapon?
  2. Can enhanced antibodies help curb COVID-19 cases?
  3. Cell tissue engineering
  4. How does miscarriage affect women’s health?
  5. The role of clean water in preventing disease
  6. Is it possible to increase brainpower?
  7. The connection between environmental pollution and cancer rate
  8. Threats related to Salmonella
  9. Impact of BMI on Injuries
  10. Effective ways to slow down the aging process
  11. Implications of coral reef biology
  12. How does the study of cell biology aid in fighting Alzheimer’s?
  13. Sea challenges to marine life
  14. Do sports help improve human biological makeup?
  15. Is it possible for the brain to heal itself?
  16. How do sleep and wake cycles affect learning?
  17. Does following a paleo diet help athletes perform?
  18. Biological reasons behind food intolerances
  19. Are humans naturally omnivores or frugivores?
  20. Is immortality a realistic goal for humans?

Impressive Biology Research Ideas

  1. Analyze the causes of allergic responses that cause asthma in some persons.
  2. What changes in the amount of depression do human hormones make?
  3. Bioweapons and the background of laboratory leaks: the coronavirus
  4. Consider the evidence that a pandemic might kill half the world’s population.
  5. Compare and contrast cellular structure and function.
  6. Describe the many forms of tissue engineering.
  7. the methods used in tissue engineering, as well as the regenerative drugs that are used in tissue engineering
  8. The genuine proof of immortality is found in the existence of beings who never perish from natural causes.
  9. The causes of marine animals’ cellular metabolism
  10. Analyze the most effective pandemic-fighting tactics.
  11. Explore the molecular mechanisms and targets of ICD (Immunogenic Cell Death)
  12. Discuss some new methods effective to use for ICD detection
  13. What does it mean to turn a cold tumor hot and how to a cold tumor into hot tumor?
  14. Discuss the mechanisms that regulate T-cell infiltration and activity in stiff/hard tumors
  15. RNA-DNA Helicases and Nucleases: Defenders of the Genome
  16. Identification and evaluation of novel prevention mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets in upper digestive tract tumor metastasis
  17. Examine the role of mechanisms (e.g., copper-induced death, ferroptosis, and mitophagy) that play in the progression of upper digestive tract tumor metastasis
  18. Describe the clinical utility of Long Read Sequencing (LRS)
  19. Discuss the different treatment options, including surgeries, radiochemotherapy, and immunotherapy for upper digestive tract tumor metastasis
  20. Identify and characterize the complex chromothripsis events

Captivating Biology Research Topics

  1. Describe the biological mechanisms that are responsible for the Camouflage.
  2. Explain the Significance of Chemical Ecology in Oceania.
  3. Anatomical Dissection of the Visual Cortex.
  4. Explain the dependence Between Neuronal Circuits on the Genes and Proteins.
  5. Describe the egg development in Drosophila.
  6. Explain the reasons for Narcolepsy and Insomnia.
  7. Repercussions of Deforestation.
  8. Analyze the effects of Acidification on Aquatic Ecosystems.
  9. Explain the significance of camels to the economic growth of Africa and the Middle East.
  10. What are the causes of Dwarfism?


From the list of ideas suggested in this blog, choose any topic of your choice and compose an excellent biology research paper. If you need help with biology research paper topic selection, writing, and editing, then get in touch with us immediately.

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