160 Outstanding Art History Thesis Topics to Focus On

Home » 160 Outstanding Art History Thesis Topics to Focus On

Would you have to submit an art history thesis? Are you searching for the best art history thesis topics for your assignment? If yes, then this blog is for you. Here, for your convenience, we have uploaded a list of 160 excellent art history thesis topic ideas. In addition to that, we have also presented a concise overview of writing an art history thesis. Continue reading this blog to get exclusive ideas for the preparation of an art history thesis.

Art History Thesis Writing

An art history paper is a kind of academic paper that focuses on the history and the development of art. The subject mainly deals with the study of objects and art pieces created by humans for their aesthetic pleasure.

In simple terms, art history is an exciting field of study where you can explore and learn the intricate details about the art and history associated with different ages of man from ancient times to the modern period. If you are pursuing a course related to art history, then obviously you will be given thesis writing assignments or coursework to understand the artwork.

So, how to write an art history thesis? For writing an art history dissertation, first, you must have a unique thesis topic. Then, you need to conduct deep research on the topic and present your points coherently with relevant evidence. Remember, when crafting your art history thesis, you should structure the essay content properly with essential elements such as an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Art History Thesis Topics

The art history research paper you prepare should contain a detailed report on the research topic you have chosen, and it should persuade the readers effectively with valid strong points and visual interpretations.

List of the Best Art History Thesis Topics

Art History is a vast discipline that covers major areas such as economics, anthropology, social history, culture, politics, and aesthetics. Remember, for writing a top-notch research paper and to score top grades, a good topic is all you need.

Best Art History Thesis Topics Ideas

If you want to write a brilliant art history thesis, then you can consider any topic of your choice from the best art history thesis topic ideas suggested below.

Art History Thesis Topics on the Gothic Period

  1. Manuscript illustration in the Gothic paintings
  2. The relationship between the great cathedrals of Europe and the late Gothic period
  3. Gothic art in the Notre Dame in Paris
  4. A review of the surviving Gothic paintings
  5. Monumental sculptures in Europe’s cathedrals
  6. An analysis of the stories and purpose of Gothic stained glass.
  7. The relevance of the Abbey Church of St. Denis in Gothic architecture
  8. Significant stylistic changes from the Romanesque style of the 12th century
  9. Is Gothic architecture more than a pointed arch?
  10. How was Humanity’s desire to touch God exemplified in the medieval Cathedral?
  11. Discuss the impact of Gothic art and architecture on modern design
  12. Comparative analysis of the architecture of Notre Dame de Paris and Canterbury Cathedral, England
  13. Analysis of the Architecture of The Black Church
  14. Discuss the background of some most famous Gothic cathedrals
  15. Discuss the main features and themes of Gothic art
  16. Compare and contrast Gothic architecture and Romanesque architecture
  17. Discuss the use of geometry and mathematical models in Gothic architecture
  18. Describe the seven different styles of Gothic architecture with examples for each
  19. Compare and contrast Gothic architecture and Greek architecture
  20. Discuss the impact of Gothic Architecture on Maori
  21. Compare and contrast Gothic art and German modernism
  22. Dark Euphoria: The Neo-Gothic Narrative of Millennial Technoculture
  23. Analysis of the images of Adam and engagements with antiquity in Romanesque and Gothic Sculpture
  24. How the art of gothic terror is portrayed in the tales of Edgar Allan Poe?
  25. Twilight of a genre: Art and trade in Gothic fiction (from 1814 to 1834)

Art History Photography Thesis Topics

  1. Difference between photography and art.
  2. How the printing press contributed to the growth of photography
  3. Why does photography replace fine art?
  4. Cultural movement and its relation to the history of art
  5. Comparing as well as evaluating concept styles in the blue and rose phases of Picasso
  6. How to make a distinction between an American and French art photographer
  7. US Style and Design (the 20th century) – Pop Art, Commercial Photography

Greek Art History Thesis Topics

  1. What was so unique about the Parthenon?
  2. In Ancient Greek art, the value of pottery as well as vases.
  3. Polykleitos’ contributions to the ancient Greek art industry
  4. A review of the periods of ancient Greek art: Geometric, Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic
  5. Why were Fresco paintings included on or within several ancient Greek structures?
  6. The historical significance of Francisco de Goya’s paintings
  7. How the Statue of Zeus represents the artistic style of the time at Olympia.
  8. Greek architecture in the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles
  9. History and origin of Greek theater
  10. Components of Ancient Greece sculptures
  11. Evaluate the development of art in Ancient Greece
  12. How has science influenced ancient Greek sculptures?
  13. Artistic culture of ancient Greece during the Archaic and early classics.

Art History Thesis Topics on Impressionism

  1. The History of Impressionism
  2. The role of impressionists in the hierarchy of art
  3. Why did the Impressionist pioneers use different approaches to painting?
  4. Why were canon and traditions against impressionism?
  5. A review of the founding members of the movement of Impressionism
  6. Evolution of mannerisms in Pablo Picasso’s paintings
  7. The sketch-like appearance effect
  8. The influence on the art phase of Impressionism
  9. Key changes in methodology in paintings in the epoch of impressionism.
  10. Claude Manet as a Synonym to Impressionism

Compare and Contrast Art History Topics

  1. Impressionist and Cubism
  2. Baroque versus. Rococo designs
  3. Renaissance and Epoch Baroque
  4. Venetian carnival masks and their history
  5. French versus. the art of America
  6. Gothic versus. the Neo-Gothic Age
  7. Mesoamerican and Egyptian pyramids
  8. Egyptian and Greek canons of proportions
  9. Compare the critiquing styles of Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg.
  10. Significance of Raphael’s work
  11. Compare 18th-century Eastern as well as Western artworks.
  12. Compare as well as contrast any of these types of Greek art.

Ancient Art History Research Topics

  1. The craft of various cultures
  2. The art of making disguises
  3. How are Victorian beauty standards portrayed in their art?
  4. Picasso and Leonardo Da Vinci Comparisons
  5. How did art influence architectural structures in ancient times?
  6. Cartoons as an art form
  7. Is Vandalism Graffiti?
  8. Ancient art culture
  9. Why ancient Rome is full of art
  10. How has art therapy developed from ancient cultural practices?
  11. How did artists preserve ancient artworks, and why?
  12. Representation of males in Ancient Art.
  13. The place and role of women and politics in Ancient Rome architecture.

Read more: Captivating World History Topics To Consider For Writing Academic Papers

Modern Art History Research Paper Topics

  1. An analysis of the developments leading to modern art
  2. Materials and styles in Chinese calligraphy
  3. Art and cultural inclinations
  4. The emergence of the Bollywood film industry
  5. The sense of art in today’s movies and series.’
  6. The influence of pop art culture in America
  7. Evaluate the art of henna in the Middle East, India, and Africa.
  8. Rococo interior design
  9. Stained glass in Medieval France
  10. The meaning of art in today’s films and shows
  11. Analysis of the role of technological advancements in the art of the third millennium
  12. Describe how feminist movements and their influence on society are portrayed in modern art
  13. Compare and contrast the artistic and stylistic features of Art Nouveau and Art Deco textile
  14. Analyze the contributions of Frida Khalo to modern art and the impact of nature and Mexican artifacts on her
  15. Describe the way cultural attitudes influenced modern art and the use of everyday objects in art
  16. Abstract Expressionism: Definition, characteristics, use, artists, and two major styles
  17. Critical analysis of the impact of the post-war art movement between the 1940s and ’50s
  18. Compare and contrast the origin, reasons, and impact of the Northern Renaissance and Italian Renaissance
  19. Political and philosophical communications in the contemporary era of art
  20. Colors of Commemoration: Marble Loutrophoroi and the Polychromy of Athenian Funerary Monuments
  21. Disorientation in Millennial America: Michael Arad’s Reflecting Absence and the Art of Michael Heizer
  22. “Space and Image: The meaning of the wall paintings at the hermitage of Ayvali Church, Cappadocia
  23. Discuss the problems associated with the 18th-century European terracotta and its reception
  24. Analysis of the form and function of Gerrit Van Honthorst’s ‘Christ Before Caiphas’
  25. Explore the two groups of mythical women on attic vases in the archaic and classical periods

Impressive Art History Thesis Topics

  1. Relation between Goya’s prints as well as French caricatures
  2. Evaluation of the Baroque as a significant period of artistic activity
  3. Discuss the traditional embroidery as well as Scandinavian weaving motifs.
  4. Why is there more use of photogravure than of encaustic painting?
  5. In a single piece of art, the artist’s main influences
  6. In art, the position of recurring subjects
  7. Test Lorenzo Costa’s Portrait of a Cardinal objectively in his study.
  8. Futurism as well as its basic principles
  9. Essential characteristics of Expressionist Abstract painting
  10. How is primitivism real art?
  11. Describe the features of Chinese art in the era of feudalism
  12. Analyze the role of costumes in the early Renaissance in Italy during 1420-1490
  13. Evaluation of the role of Christian symbols in renaissance art
  14. The Role Played Women in Renaissance Art
  15. Discuss the contributions of Greek art and theatres in ancient Greece

Inspiring Art History Thesis Topics

  1. In paintings, the history of signs as well as symbols
  2. The History of the Art of Feminism
  3. A study of the images used in art history to convey messages
  4. The influence of the philosophy of Marxism on artistic creation
  5. Theories that define the history as well as the growth of art
  6. A critical review of art’s artistic qualities in homes.
  7. A Life History of Leonardo da Vinci
  8. Nature as well as life’s role in shaping art
  9. Neoclassicism sculpture is a combination of eras.
  10. The influence of the growth of Cubism on the art world.
  11. Discuss the impact of the natural world in Indian painting.
  12. Has sculpture been appropriated for political display?
  13. Analyze the development of the human body in Egyptian art and architecture.
  14. A discussion of the biomorphic in twentieth-century painting.
  15. The development of Hindu and Buddhist Temple Art in the Indian tradition.

Read more: Fascinating History Research Topics For Students

Unique Art History Thesis Ideas

  1. Examine the evolution of Inuit art.
  2. The History of Sculpture in the United States
  3. Talk about Dada art
  4. Ancient Egyptian jewelry
  5. Discuss three ancient musical instruments.
  6. The Printmaking Tradition in Europe
  7. Sculptures from Ancient Greece and the Influence of Science
  8. Techniques for representing women in ancient art
  9. The Renaissance period
  10. Talk about Baroque art
  11. Paris as an artistic center
  12. Is it possible to consider early TV shows to be works of art?
  13. The birth of African art
  14. The classical era of Greek and Roman art
  15. Art from the Middle East and Egypt

Excellent Art History Thesis Topics

  1. Write about the Contemporary Art in Zimbabwe.
  2. Conduct a comparative analysis of the Elizabethan theatre and the modern theatre.
  3. What was the influence of eastern Art and designs on Western architecture?
  4. Write about the Late Baroque Architecture
  5. Explain the career and life of Alfred Stieglitz.
  6. Discuss the role of light in paintings.
  7. Differences between impressionism and realism.
  8. Write about the tribal icons of African Art.
  9. Examine the Textile and Fashion of Nomadic Asian Tribes.
  10. Write about the Philosemitism in the Baroque Period.


From the list of art history thesis topics suggested in this blog post, choose any topic that impresses you and write an excellent dissertation. In case, you are unsure of what topic to choose for your art history thesis or if you have no idea how to write a brilliant art history thesis, then without any hesitation, approach us quickly.

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