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Nursing Difference Between Healthcare and Social Care Providers

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Explain the difference between healthcare and social care providers and types of interagency care provision about meeting the needs of the individual requiring care


Statutory organizations are there formed by the government whereas the non-statutory one refers to non-establishment. These organizations, however, keep providing wider ranges in interagency care for meeting those individualized needs. The GP surgeries (statutory organization) keep serving as that patient’s initial point in contacting either within that care home, patient home or surgery. Additionally, a healthcare organization in the community like NHS trusts, hospitals and community clinic centres are there. They keep supporting teams of general practices for keeping individuals well in the homes respectively.

In this community, the GPs involved keeps referring patients to the IAPT (improving access to psychological therapies) (Lee et al. 2017). They also keep providing PBC (practice-based counsellor) services. These help patients who have severe and mild anxiety or depression. In the other way round, there are social care organizations or non-voluntary organizations like care home supporting those not able to perform regular tasks independently. Additionally, the providers of social care like specialised schools aids people with learning difficulty in the organization. Few charity organizations like the agency of Alzheimer’s support for improving support and diagnosis for those having dementia. In Southwark, there is also CoolTan Arts helping in improving the individual lives having distress mentally. These occur through self-advocacy, volunteer opportunities and creativity. The Jo’s Trust of Cervical Cancer is that charitable organization who supports women. Those women get affected by cervical cancer and cervical abnormalities (Fusar-Poli et al. 2020). They also keep concentrating upon rising the understanding and profile of that disease along with ways towards control and prevention.

he Gerontologist, 60(2), pp.279-290.

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