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American Government Impact of Demographics on Political Views

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Explain the Impact of demographics on political views


Demographics of an individual such as age, gender, geographical area, religion, race, and ethnicity have a significant impact on the political view of that individual. Demographic characteristics shape the thinking pattern that develops or forms the political view of people. It is a general perception that people around the coastal area tend to be more liberal compared to people in the middle of the country (Wong, 2018). However, there is an exception to this perception. The geographical area surrounded by a particular community (a particular community is in majority) also shapes the thinking pattern of people in that community. The political view of people starts developing in adolescents and hence it is affected by the political view of the family members. Irrespective of the generation gaps as well as family disagreement, children tend to grow up and form a political view similar to their parents. This is one of the key factors that have a significant impact on the political view of people. Gender also plays a very important role in forming the political view of male and female. For example, if there is a woman representative of a state, females of that particular state tend to involve more in politics rather than a state in which there is a male representative. Apart from this, politicians also use some key schemes to affect the political view of women in the state such as equal work, equal pay, as well as equal legal rights. Similarly, religion also plays a very important role in shaping the political view of people. People generally see which political party support their religion or their religious view and values and support that political parties (Ting & Ahmad, 2014). The impact of race and ethnicity on the political views of people cannot be ignored. It has been found that African Americans are more democratic.




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